jgarcia's blog

Back to School with Dinosaurs Week 2

Many of the resources included in the Back-to-School with Dinosaurs theme are designed to help children learn and remember school rules and manners in fun, interactive ways. Children will love chanting the “Rowdy-osaur Goes to School” felt rhyme and teachers will love the printable list of child-friendly classroom rules that accompanies it.

Acorn Math

Fall brings many changes to our world both in the classroom and in the environment. One of the most exciting changes for the children happens on our playgound. Our large, mature Oak tree begins dropping the acorns that we have watched grow all summer long. The children can't wait to begin collection the nuts and bringing them into the room.

School Manners with Rowdy-osaur

To start the school year off on the right claw, use the Rowdy-osaur felt story to introduce a series of activities related to appropriate and inappropriate school behavior.

Grade: Preschool

Target Learning Skills

Back to School with Dinosaurs Week 1

Children are returning to school and the KidsSoup member site is ready to help out in the classroom! This month’s theme, Back-to-School with Dinosaurs, includes a number of Back-to-School resources for preschool and kindergarten children. Here are our resources for week 1 for the Back-to-School with Dinosaurs theme.

Dinosaur Classification

Submitted by KidsSoup member Beth Steward

Grade, Age Range or Specialized Learner: Preschool

Target Learning Skill(s): Classifying/Sorting


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