Holidays and Celebrations

Thanksgiving Crafts, Activities, Games, and Printables

Thanksgiving crafts and activities for preschool and kindergarten

Preschool and Kindergarten Thanksgiving Activities, Crafts, Lessons, Folder Games, and Printables. Thanksgiving is a time for tradition, sharing, gathering with family, and giving thanks for what we have. The first Thanksgiving in the USA was a feast in 1621, shared by the Pilgrims to celebrate a successful harvest. Celebrate Thanksgiving, the pilgrims, and the harvest with our crafts, activities, games and many more resources for preschool and kindergarten.

St. Patrick's Day Preschool Crafts, Activities, and Games

Preschool and Kindergarten St. Patrick's Day Activities and Crafts

St. Patrick's Day Kids Crafts and St. Patrick's Day Preschool Activities. St. Patricks Day is celebrated each year on March 17th. On St. Patrick's Day people dress in green to honor Ireland, the Emerald Isle. Shamrock decorations are put on doors and windows and leprechauns appear everywhere. There are many traditions and activities that help kids celebrate the life of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide with people dancing and singing, watching St.

Preschool and Kindergarten Spiders Activities and Crafts

Spiders preschool and kindergarten activities, crafts, and printables

Spider Crafts, Science Lessons, Activities, Games, and Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten. SPECTACULAR SPIDERS. Spiders are much more than just small, eight-legged, eight-eyed creatures that spin webs. Did you know that some spiders don't even spin webs? Learn about spiders, play spider games, learn with spider activities and lessons, sing a spider song, eat a "spider" snack, and create a spider craft.

Chinese New Year Preschool Crafts, Activities, Lessons, and Games

Chinese New Year Crafts, Activities, and Games for preschool

Chinese New Year crafts, activities, games, emergent readers for preschool and kindergarten. 

Chinese New Year: February 8th 2016. Chinese New Year 2016 will be the year of the Monkey. For people born in the year of the monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 ), 2016 is considered an auspicious year. "Monkeys" are witty, intelligent, and have a magnetic personality. 

Cinco de Mayo Crafts, Activities, Games, and Printables

Cinco de Mayo Activities, Crafts, and Printables for Preschool

Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for the Fifth of May. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Mexico and by Mexican-Americans in the United States. Fiestas are held with music, dancing, parades, and food. Whenever and however it is celebrated, it is a celebration of Mexican history and heritage. Enjoy our selection of Cinco de Mayo crafts, activities, and other resources to celebrate this fiesta with your preschool and kindergarten children.

Back to School Preschool Activities, Games, and Printables

Back to School Preschool and Kindergarten Activities, Games, and Crafts. Enjoy our collection and always growing activities and lesson plan ideas to help young children become familiar with their classmates, classroom environment, and school.

Hanukkah and Kwanzaa Activities, Lessons, and Crafts

Hanukkah and Kwanzaa Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten

Preschool and Kindergarten Hanukkah and Kwanzaa Crafts, Activities, Lessons, Games, and Printables. Around the world, people from different countries and different families celebrate the winter holiday season in different ways. Some with twinkling lights illuminating trees and houses, some with jolly old Saint Nicholas, hanging stockings from fireplace mantles, lighting candles, and giving presents.

Countdown to Christmas Advent Calendar Activities for Kids

Countdown to Christmas and Advent Calendar activities and crafts for kids

Countdown to Christmas activities and games for kids. Children all around anticipate Christmas Day. The days leading up to this holiday are exciting and busy days for the whole family. Christmas music, sweet smells, and happy voices fill the house. This year, instead of buying those store-bought Advent calendars, make your own and create a new family Advent calendar tradition.

Christmas Holidays Activities and Lessons

Christmas Holidays activities and lessons for preschool and kindergarten

Christmas activities, crafts, and lessons for preschool and kindergarten ! Ho, ho, ho! It's the jolliest time of the year and tis the season for giving and receiving, decorating and caroling, hanging stockings on the fireplace, and making gingerbread cookies. To spread holiday cheer, deck your halls with our entertaining and festive Christmas Holidays activities, Christmas crafts, exciting Christmas games, and lots of Christmas printables and worksheets.

100 Days of School Activities, Games, and Printables

100 days of school activities, games, and printables for kindergarten and preschool

100 days of school preschool and kindergarten activities, crafts, games, and printables. 100 is a big number and the one hundredth day of school is a big deal! This month's theme is chock full of ways to celebrate this important milestone. Find songs, rhymes, literacy ideas, math activities, movement activities, recipes, and literature focusing on the number one hundred. To top off the theme, challenge children to bring 100 objects to school glued to a posterboard, arranged in groups of ten, five, or two.


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