President's Day Preschool and Kindergarten Activities, Games, and Crafts.
Children celebrate President's Day by learning about the lives of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington through felt stories, rhymes, literacy activities, money concepts, games, and more. Children will learn why President Lincoln is called "Honest Abe," hear the legend of George Washington and the Cherry Tree, count the number of pennies in a dollar, sing songs, make patterns from top hats and powdered wigs, and imagine what they would do if they had the chance to be president someday.
Abraham Lincoln and George Washington names are irrevocabley linked in the minds of most children. Learn about the lives of these two patriotic figures.
George Washington: American Hero
Learn about the Life of Abraham Lincoln (Video)
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Who is our President?
Ask children if they know who the president is. Share some of the president's background, where he/she grew up, and some interesting facts about his/her childhood. Look at a picture of the president and his/her family. Let children draw a picture of the president.
Where does the President Live? Explain to children that while president he/she and his/her family live in Washington in a special house. The house is called the White House. Find Washington, D.C. on a map and explain that it was named after George Washington. Look at some pictures of the White House and share some of its history.
Hold a brief discussion about how important people in a country's history are often honored by having their faces imprinted on coins or paper used for money. With a magnifying glass look at a penny, a nickel, a dime, a quarter, a dollar coin, and a dollar bill so that children can examine them more closely. Initiate a discussion about the color, characteristics, and value of the coins.
Dollar Bill Object Hunt Hand out a dollar bill to each child and let children look at them and describe what they see on the bill. Call out an object children have to find on the bill: eagle, number, pyramid, letters, etc.
Coin Rubbings Give each child a sheet of white paper, a coin, colored chalk or crayons, and let them create a design of coin rubbings.
Penny Cleaning Fill a jar half full of water. Add 1 tablespoon salt and 4 tablespoon white vinegar. Let children add about 10 dirty pennies to the jar and let it sit for 3 minutes. Then take the pennies out, rinse with water, and let children dry the pennies with a clean towel. The children will be amazed how shiny the pennies are after the bath.
George Washington was the first president,
For freedom he led soldiers up the hill.
We can find his picture on the quarter,
And also on the one dollar bill.
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president,
We see him on our money.
His picture's on the $5.00 bill,
And also on our penny.