Snow and Ice Lesson Ideas

What you need:
Book: The Story of Snow the Science of Winter's Wonder (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Large Group
Hide a bowl of ice or snow under a towel. Invite children to take turns placing one of their hands in the bowl and describe what they feel. Possible responses: It's cold! It's freezing!
Ask children what activities can be done in the winter but not in summer (skiing, sledding, ice skating, making a snowman, etc.). Discuss what is needed to be able to do these activities (snow and cold weather).
Explain to children that you are going to talk about snowflakes today. Ask, "Who likes to play in the snow? What is snow?" Ask children if they know how snow is made. Write their answers on the board. Explain that snow is frozen water. Snowflakes start as ice crystals that form in the cold clouds. Discuss that the temperature in the clouds needs to be cold (below 32 degrees). If it is not cold enough, rain will fall out of the clouds. When the crystals fall, they join up with other crystals to form a snowflake. The size of a snowflake depends on how many crystals hook together. This is why it is very difficult to find two snowflakes that are exactly alike.
Say, "Let’s read a book about snow to find out more about it." Read the book The Story of Snow the Science of Winter's Wonder.
Background Info
Snowflakes form in clouds where the temperature is below freezing. The ice crystals form around tiny bits of dirt that have been carried up into the atmosphere by the wind. As the snow crystals grow, they become heavier and fall toward the ground.
Snowflake, Snowflake
Snowflake, snowflake, twirl around. (Twirl around.)
Snowflake, snowflake, touch the ground. (Touch the ground.)
Snowflake, snowflake, land on my nose. (Touch nose.)
Snowflake, snowflake, freeze my toes. (Touch toes.)
Snowflake, snowflake, swirl around. (Make spirals with hands and arms.)
Snowflake, snowflake, make no sound. (Put finger up to mouth to make quiet sign.)
Catching Snowflakes
Place a black piece of craft paper in the freezer. When it snows get children bundled up and take them outside. Have them take turns catching the snowflakes on the paper. Then, have them examine the snowflakes with a magnifying glass.
Writing Prompt
On a snowy day I like to . . . .
Small Group
Snowflake Shapes
Provide children with a bowl of craft foam snowflakes and a sheet of light blue craft paper. Draw a large shape on the board (examples: triangle, line, plus sign, etc.). Let children copy the shape on the paper with the snowflakes. Repeat with different shapes.
Let it Snow Number Recognition Folder Game
Let it Snow Letters of the Alphabet Matching
Snow Removal Fine Motor Skills Activity
Sensory Bin
Add real or instant snow to your sensory table.
Ice Rink Gross Motor Skills Activities