It's Snowing! Fun with Cotton Balls

What you need:
Book: The Snowy Day (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Cotton balls
Different size containers
Toy shovel, broom
White sheet
Learning Goals and Standards:
Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills
Snow Removal: Fine Motor Skills
Place cotton balls on the table. Let children pick the cotton balls with tweezers and place inside different containers.
Let children push the cotton balls inside a clear plastic bottle to make a bottle snowmen.
Snow Removal: Gross Motor Skills
Place cotton balls on the floor. Let children use the shovels and the broom to clean up the floor and place the cotton balls inside a basket or container.
It's Snowing: Large Group, Social Skills
Place cotton balls and small white tissue balls on top of a large white bed sheet. Let children stand around the sheet and hold on to it. On a signal, have children lift the sheet up and let the snowballs dance on the sheet.
Let children make snow angles on the floor.
Snowball Stacking Hand eye-coordination
Provide children with cotton balls. Encourage children to stack the cotton balls on top of each other. Can they create a shape (circle, square, triangle) with cotton balls? Use our printables to let children place the cotton balls (maybe with tweezers) on the snowmen shapes.
Snowball Toss Hand eye-coordination, Counting
Place ten snowball cotton balls and a fun large container in the center. Encourage children to through the "snowballs" inside the container. How many snowballs landed inside the container? How many outside?
Block Centers
Place cotton balls inside the block center. Let children use trucks to remove the "snow."