Apple Lacing Fine Motor Skills

What you need:
Cereal box
Apple shape pattern
Hole punch
Red, yellow, green paint
Paper plate
Red yarn
What you do:
Print apple shape pattern and trace on to cereal box carton and cut out. Place red and orange paint inside a paper plate.
Let children color their apple with their fingers. Let dry.
Optional: To make the apple shiny, add a couple of drops of water to some white glue. Use a brush to paint all over the apple.
Punch holes all around the apple.
Make a pipe cleaner needle by tying the yarn on a small piece of pipe cleaner. Then twist the pipe cleaner together.
With a knot, tie the yarn on the apple.
Have children lace around the apple. Add a green paper leaf.
Print and glue apple printout on to cereal box carton and cut out. Add holes and yarn.