Starry Letters - Fine Motor Skills

What you need:
Craft foam stars or glow in the dark stars (Amazon affiliate links)
Black craft paper or felt
White pencil or crayon
Learning Goal and Standard
Recognizing letters
Fine motor skills
With the white pencil, draw the first uppercase letter of the child's name on a black sheet of paper or felt.
Starry Letters
Place the black sheet of paper with the written letters on a tray. Add the foam stars inside a container. Let children look for the letter their name begins with. Then, place the stars on top of it.
Let children glue glow in the dark stars on the paper to take home to display artwork in their bedroom.
Starry Letters Sticker Fun
Have each child find the letter their name begins with. Hand out a white crayon to each child and encourage children to trace their letter three times. Next, hand out star stickers to each child. Let them peel and stick the stars on the letter.
Star stickers (Amazon affiliate links)